A Fine Frock

Vintage + Modern Fashion

Summer Style

Hot Child in the City

Vintage StyleErika MardockComment

Hey! For my blogitorial debut, I thought it would be very "on-brand" to showcase and discuss a few clutch pieces I like to don in the unrelenting heat of mid-July in Nebraska. 

Despite the oppressive temps, July and August are two of the best months to get dressed in, imo. Sure, your make-up, hair, outfit, and will to live will be destroyed by sweat within the first few moments of sun exposure. But listen--I am waaaay into dressing seasonally (like, probably too into it, honestly), and this time of year calls for:

  • Vivid oranges, sunshiny yellows, electric pinks
  • Wild patterns
  • Fruit prints
  • Hawaiian/tropical flower vibes
  • Breezy, cotton vintage dresses that are so thin that everyone can probably (definitely) see your underwear, but you're doing you and wearing them anyway.

Let's do this. 

So I think we can all agree that tent dresses are amazing. They flatter any body type, and the mod silhouette is adorbs. Bonus points if it has pockets and a huge bow as the neck tie. 

Shoe + puppy detail

Shoe + puppy detail

Dress-Petal Pink Vintage / Kitten heels- Seychelles (old) / Shades- Hello Holiday






This next tent dress is a new favorite, because it reminds me of Fruit Stripe gum. Again, an attractive cut for anyone, really, but especially pear-shaped gals like me. 


Dress- Whurl (download the app on your iPhone! here. Shoes- Modcloth, old

This next sunshiny number reminds me of Peggy Olsen, whose entire wardrobe I adore. I love a good necktie/pussy bow! This dress is also wonderfully light and airy, perf for 90+ days in the midwest.

Dress- No Love Lost Vintage / Shoes-Kling via Hello Holiday, old 

Do you ever have dresses that you just love so much you don't even know when to wear them? This dress is such glorious vintage perfection that I always feel compelled to save it for special occasions. I mean daises, stripes, AND strawberries! Whaaaat?! Here, I'm just a vegetarian wearing it at a burger joint, because I'm worth it.

IMG_2461 (1).jpg

Dress- Paperdoll Vintage / Shoes- Modcloth, old 

What do you like to wear during the hottest part of the year? Drop me a comment or hit me up on my 'grams at a_fine_frock. 

Stay tuned next week as I attempt to stay stylish on a mountain get away...